Best in Film: The Greatest Movies of Our Time was a two-hour television special that aired on March 22, 2011, on ABC in the United States. Hosted by Tom Bergeron and Cynthia McFadden, it was a collaboration between ABC News and People magazine that gave American film fans the chance to choose their favorite movies of all time. The results were presented on the program, which included interviews with some of the stars and directors of the chosen films including Harrison Ford, Anthony Hopkins, and Olivia Newton-John. It also showed out-takes, screen tests and behind-the-scenes footage.
People magazine featured a story that corresponded with the special in its March 28, 2011, issue, which came out on March 18.
The categories for the special were Best Film, Best Sci-Fi Film, Best Musical, Best Action Film, Greatest Film Character, Best Horror Film, Best Chick Flick, Greatest Screen Kiss, Best Comedy, Best Animated Film, Best Suspense/Thriller, Most Romantic Screen Couple, Greatest Line, Best Western Film and Best Political/Historical Film.
To vote for their favorite films, movie fans went online at and to select the winners from a list of nominees created by a group of film industry experts. Online voting was open from late November 2010 to January 2011. The televised special counted down the top five films in 10 of the 15 categories: Best Comedy, Best Sci-Fi Film, Best Musical, Greatest Screen Kiss, Greatest Line, Best Action Film, Best Suspense/Thriller, Best Animated Film, Greatest Film Character and Best Film. The results in the remaining five categories (Best Horror Film, Best Chick Flick, Most Romantic Screen Couple, Best Western Film and Best Political/Historical Film) were revealed online.
John Green was the executive producer of the special. Associate Producers were Monica DelaRosa, Andy Genovese and Mia Trovato.