The International Civil Society Centre is a global platform for international civil society organisations (ICSOs) to learn from each other, exchange information and initiate collective action. The Centre was founded in 2007 under the name of Berlin Civil Society Center as a not-for-profit company (GmbH) by Peter Eigen, former Chair of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and founder of Transparency International, and the current Executive Director Burkhard Gnärig, former CEO of Save the Children International, Greenpeace Germany and terre des hommes Germany. Since then, the Centre has grown from a small start up into a globally renowned meeting platform for ICSOs. To better reflect the work of the Centre and its international focus, on 1 July 2013 the Centre changed its name to International Civil Society Centre. The Centre is owned by 15 ICSOs: ADRA International, Amnesty International, CARE International, CBM International, ChildFund Alliance, HelpAge International, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Oxfam International, Plan International, Sightsavers International, SOS Children's Villages, Transparency International, VSO International, World Vision International and WWF International.