Benny & Mice was an Indonesian comic strip made by Benny Rachmadi and Muhammad "Mice" Misrad.
Benny & Mice first appeared in 2003 idn the Sunday edition of the local newspaper, Kompas. The comic strip features Benny as tall and frizzy-haired, while Mice has glasses and a big nose. Each comic strip has a different title picture which always resembles Benny and Mice.
On July 4, 2010 was the last episode of Benny & Mice, and following the next week (July 11, 2010), the cartoon was replaced by Mice Cartoon were simply drawn by Muhammad "Mice" Misrad. And Benny Rachmadi remains a cartoonist and published comics despite being separated with Muhammad Misrad.
Benny & Mice comic strips are also published as comic books: