The Belizean Writers Series, published by local media house Cubola Productions, preserves some of the best of Belizean arts and letters, mainly poetry and short stories. The series began in 1995 and is ongoing.
The General Editor of the series is Michael D. Phillips.
Deals with short fiction published in the previous thirty years. With the exception of "Crab Seasin", written entirely in Belize Creole, all stories were in English.
Six original plays written and performed in Belize between 1970 and the time of publication were included in this volume:
Features poems by a number of Belizean authors, young and old, published and unpublished.
Covers folktales and mythological legends native to Belize and surrounding areas.
Iris Abraham has been a dancer and a craft instructor for many years in Belize and received the British Empire’s Medal (BEM) in 1965 for her work in teaching craft, especially basketry, and community service work in Belize. She lived and worked in the U.S. for many years as a recreational nurse for the elderly. During her time in the U.S. Abraham continued the tradition of honoring mothers as was done in her village of Gales Point.
Minerva Aponte-Jolly was born in Puerto Rico. When she was eleven, her family moved to New York City. In 1972, Aponte-Jolly moved to Belize with her husband and children and made Benque Viejo Town her new home. She enjoys inventing stories for her four grandchildren.
Leo H. Bradley Sr. (1926–2001) was a career librarian and teacher with a keen interest in history. He lived for some years in Trinidad and the United Kingdom where he studied librarianship before becoming the first qualified Belizean librarian. He served both as a government archivist and as Chief Librarian as well as a newspaper editor. In his honor, the headquarters of the Belize National Library Service was named the Leo Bradley Library.
Jessie Nuñez Castillo, a Garifuna woman, was born in the village of Hopkins in the Stann Creek District, Belize. She is an elementary school teacher and has taught both in Belize and in Los Angeles, California. She received her elementary school education at Holy Family School in Hopkins, and attended Austin High School in Dangriga and the Belize Teachers College. Castillo earned a BA in English (Creative Writing) from Union Institute in Los Angeles. She has been published in Garifuna Folktales.