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Beatrice Aiello

Beatrice Aiello is an Italian actress and artist.

Beatrice Aiello's activity for broadcast television includes: the 2011 and 2016 seasons of Che dio ci aiuti, a Lux Video TV Series for Rai Fiction, aired on Rai 1, the 2014 season of CentoVetrine, an Italian Mediaset Soap Opera production for Canale 5 and Rete 4, the 2012 season of Provaci ancora prof! an Italian Rai 1TV Series and the 2011 season of Inspector Rex 5 for Rai 1. She also worked with director Francesca Mazzoleni.

Beatrice Aiello's theatrical activities includes work with Giorgio Albertazzi,Sergio Rubini, Daniele Salvo, Pierpaolo Sepe, Marco Maltauro,Nicola Pistoia. In 2014 she starred the play Come restare vedove senza intaccare la fedina penale. She also wrote and produced the play Gocce.

Beatrice Aiello's voice and image for advertising includes: Us Open 2016 Campaign for Lavazza with Andre Agassi directed by Michael Haussman, Global Alitalia Video campaign 2016 directed by Federico Brugia,Michael Haussman's Video for Galbani France,Videoclip directed by Antonio Chiricò for rapper Jesto Paranoia-Park and videoclip Gold directed by David Petrucci.

