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Bayside Shakedown: The Movie

Bayside Shakedown: The Movie
Directed by Katsuyuki Motohiro
Written by Ryoichi Kimizuka
Starring Yuji Oda
Toshiro Yanagiba
Eri Fukatsu
Release date
  • October 31, 1998 (1998-10-31)
Running time
119 minutes
Country Japan
Language Japanese

Bayside Shakedown: The Movie (踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE 湾岸署史上最悪の3日間!, Odoru Daisōsasen Za Mūbī Wangansho Shijōsaiaku No Mikkakan!?) is a 1998 Japanese police drama / comedy film. The film is based on the hit TV series Bayside Shakedown which had just finished airing roughly a year and a half before. Like the TV series, the film satirizes the bureaucracy and red tape which plague the Japanese police force, as well as certain elements of Japanese society, while at the same time avoiding falling into the typical formula of car chases and gunbattles that define most police dramas. It was released on October 31, 1998.

The movie continues a few months after the end of the TV series. The main character Detective Sergeant Shunsaku Aoshima has worked his way back up into the investigative division of the Wangan Precinct of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, after being demoted back to patrol duty for insubordination.

Shortly after the movie begins, a body is found floating in a river near the edge of the precinct's jurisdiction. However, in the spirit of the series, the main concern of the officers on the scene is getting to the body before their counterparts from the other precinct on the other side of the river get to it. The scene eventually degenerates into a cross-river shouting match over bullhorns between the officers from the two precincts. The brass at Wangan Station turn out to be less than happy when their officers manage to recover the body (which has had a teddy bear crudely stuffed into its stomach) as it would require a special investigation, which would drain more from the station's already tight budget. At the same time, the station is in an uproar as officers find that someone has been stealing the receipts for on the job expenses that they had originally intended to file for reimbursement.

Things are further complicated when the Assistant Commissioner is kidnapped and the investigative team from Metropolitan Police headquarters moves into Wangan Station. The investigation is led by Superintendent Shinji Muroi, whom Aoshima befriended in the TV series. Having promised Aoshima that he would try to reform the bureaucratic mess within the police department and force the local and headquarters officers to work together as equals, Muroi finds that his promise increasingly hard to keep as his decisions are continuously overruled from above by superiors who insist on playing everything by the book. It becomes apparent that Muroi's superiors are setting him up to take the fall in the event the investigation fails.

