Basis risk in finance is the risk associated with imperfect hedging. It arises because of the difference between the price of the asset to be hedged and the price of the asset serving as the hedge, or because of a mismatch between the expiration date of the hedge asset and the actual selling date of the asset (calendar basis risk), or—as in energy—due to the difference in the location of the asset to be hedged and the asset serving as the hedge (locational basis risk).
Under these conditions, the spot price of the asset, and the futures price, do not converge on the expiration date of the future. The amount by which the two quantities differ measures the value of the basis risk. That is,
Basis = Spot price of hedged asset - Futures price of contract.
Basis risk is not to be confused with another type of risk known as price risk.
Some examples of basis risks are: