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Bartolomeo Bulgarini

Bartolomeo Bulgarini
Born 1300-1310
Died 1378
Nationality Italian
Occupation Painter

Bartolomeo Bulgarini (1300-1310 – 1378), also known as Bulgarino or Bologhini, was an Italian painter of the Trecento period in Siena both before and after the Black Death.

Born into a noble family with several members being elected into the Commune, Siena’s central governing body, several times. He is firmly in the Sienese school of painting using a byzantine-esque figuration and traditional gold leaf aesthetic of Sienese painting. With his contemporaries, Simone Martini, Pietro Lorenzetti and Ambrogio Lorenzetti and others he is part of the generations following Duccio. He was the only painter of his generation to be mentioned by Giorgio Vasari.

Bulgarini’s oeuvre has seen much controversy in its reconstructions with works formerly attributed to Ugolino Lorenzetti, a composite name constructed by Bernard Berenson referencing the stylistic similarities to Ugolino Da Niero and Pietro Lorenzetti which he attached to a small body of nine paintings believed, to all be by the same unknown Sienese artist. The paintings were grouped on a similar visual fluency, style and formula demonstrating a distinctly “Ugolini-esque” aesthetic. However, of those nine paintings six were later attributed to "The master of the Ovile Madonna" by Ernst Dewald on the grounds of a perceived fundamental stylistic difference he claimed separated the paintings. It wasn’t until Millard Meiss made the argument that the works attributed to both "The master of the Ovile Madonna" and "Ugolino Lorenzetti" might actually be by the same artist, Bulgarini. Much of the difficulty in constructing his oeuvre is due to the lack of documentation needed to establish the Painters authorship and timeline of his work. The only known autographed work by Bulgarini is the St. Victor altarpiece in Siena Cathedral. It was not until much later when several documents were found and the St Victor Altarpiece was reconstructed that we are able to have a clearer picture of his artistic career.

