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Barrie Kosky

Barrie Kosky (born 18 February 1967) is an Australian theatre and opera director.

Barrie Kosky was born in Melbourne, the grandson of Jewish emigrants from Europe. He attended Melbourne Grammar School where he performed in Brecht's play The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui in 1981, Shakespeare's "Othello" in 1982, and later directed his first play. Among many other later famous Australian artists, he also worked at the St Martins Youth Arts Centre. In 1985, he then began studies in Piano and Music History at the University of Melbourne.

In 1989 Kosky directed the Australian premiere of Michael Tippett's The Knot Garden (reduced version) at the Melbourne Spoleto Festival. In 1990 he formed the Gilgul Theatre which staged The Exile Trilogy in 1993 (The Dybbuk, Es Brent, Levad) at the Belvoir St Theatre; Kosky was artistic director of the Gilgul Theatre until 1997. Other notable productions with the Gilgul Theatre were The Wilderness Room and a stage adaptation of The Operated Jew.

For the Victorian State Opera he directed in 1991 The Marriage of Figaro and The Barber of Seville. In 1993 he directed the season premiere of Larry Sitsky's opera The Golem for Opera Australia which was also released on ABC Classics. Also in 1993 he directed Goethe's Faust I and II for the Melbourne Theatre Company, and Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex for Opera Queensland.

