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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Order: Nymphaeales
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Genus: Barclaya

Hydrostemma Wall.

Hydrostemma Wall.

Barclaya is a genus of 3 - 4 species of flowering plants usually included in the family Nymphaeaceae but sometimes given their own family status as Barclayaceae on the basis of an extended perianth tube (combined sepals and petals) arising from the top of the ovary and by stamens that are joined basally. Barclaya are aquatic plants native to tropical Asia. The genus was named in honour of the American-born English brewer and patron of science Robert Barclay.

Hydrostemma is a name that takes precedence over the name Barclaya, on account of having been published 6 months earlier. However, the name Barclaya, being much better known than Hydrostemma, has been "conserved" and Hydrostemma is therefore a synonym of Barclaya.

Recent morphological and genetic studies support the view that Barclaya should be retained in the family Nymphaeaceae.

Plants grow from egg-shaped tubers that produce short runners and a basal rosette of leaves. All leaves are submerged.

