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Banksia blechnifolia

Banksia blechnifolia
B blech twinbud maranoa.jpg
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
Order: Proteales
Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Banksia
Subgenus: Banksia subg. Banksia
Binomial name
Banksia blechnifolia
Range of Banksia blechnifolia in green

Banksia blechnifolia is a species of prostrate shrub in the plant genus Banksia. Found in sandy soils in the south coastal region of Western Australia in the vicinity of Lake King, it is non-lignotuberous, regenerating by seed after bushfire. It gained its specific name as its leaves are reminiscent of fern (Blechnum) leaves.

Banksia blechnifolia is a prostrate shrub with thick horizontal stems and vertical leathery herringbone leaves rising some 20 cm high. New growth is covered with orange brown hair. The inflorescences are golden or pinkish brown and flowering is in late spring. As the inflorescences age, they fade to brown and then greyish.

In cultivation, though somewhat resistant to dieback, it does require a well drained soil, preferably fairly sandy. It makes an attractive prostrate groundcover. It appreciates extra water in summer and can be quite vigorous. Overall, it is the easiest Western Australian Banksia to grow in a humid climate.

Seeds do not require any treatment, and take 14 to 49 days to germinate.

