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Bamberg Magical Dynasty

Bamberg Magical Dynasty

The Netherlands is known to produce many famous magicians. Fred Kaps, Ger Copper, Richard Ross, and Tommy Wonder to name a few. But, the most famous name of all was the Bamberg Dynasty. Six generations of Dutch magicians were named Bamberg. The Bambergs were an upper middle-class unorthodox Jewish family. The oldest sons were magicians and carried on the tradition to next the generation. (This tradition was not always exclusive to just the oldest son. Theo Bamberg’s two younger brothers were also magicians). Three Bambergs were court magicians entertaining the royal family. This chain was unbroken covering one hundred and sixty-five years. A span of three centuries (From the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries).

There was an old Dutch poem written about them. It is an excerpt from David Bamberg’s book, Illusion Show. It is freely translated from English. The last part of the poem is insert here:

Bamberg’s fame sounds yet in those days:
Father gave the art to his son.
At the market is shown the first of the Bambergs of this name and art.
But whatever you may admire,
It is only magic—nothing more.
Witchcraft it never was,
And bewitchment is what you see.

Not only where they expert magicians, but they were also trained actors.

The first of the Bamberg clan was Jasper Bamberg (1698-1780) who was not a magician but an alchemist and necromancer. He is referred to in an old book called Vader Simon Witgeest. Jasper lived in the early part of the 18th century. He dabbled in chemistry, trying to change base metals into gold. As a necromancer, he tried to revive the dead. His methods were those of the illusionists, using smoke and mirrors. He used hidden magic lanterns that threw pictures on a smoke screen in a darkly lit room. Jasper projected the light off of a revolving mirror on a spindle giving those attending an eerie feeling.

It was written that he attended a dissertation to Cagliostro’s theories of the philosopher's stone. The philosopher's stone was a well-known alchemist’s tool, supposed to help the alchemist turn base metals into gold.

Eliaser Bamberg (1760-1833) was the first of the clan to become a professional magician. He was the oldest (possibly adopted) son of Jasper. He was born in 1760 in Leyden, Holland.

