Bakuman (バクマン。) is a 2015 Japanese film directed by Hitoshi Ōne. It is the story of two young manga artists who attempt to break into the competitive world of manga (comics) in Japan. Bakuman was produced by Minami Ichikawa and written by Hitoshi Ōne. The film stars Ryûnosuke Kamiki, Nana Komatsu and Takeru Satoh, Hirofumi Arai, Lily Franky with music by the band Sakanaction. It is based on the manga of the same name by Tsugumi Ohba. The film featured in the Japanese Film Festival in Sydney and Melbourne, in 2015.
School classmats Moritaka (Takeru Satoh) and Akito (Ryûnosuke Kamiki) one an illustrator, the other a writer, decide to join forces to create a successful manga. Moritaka desires to impress a fellow schoolgirl Miho (Nana Komatsu), who he makes a promise with to allow her to do the voiceover for an animation adaption, once the manga is famous. Both win a major award, and get a pitch at Shōnen Jump, a major manga publisher. The two make friends with a group of 4 manga creators who had entered a competition together. When their rival Eiji Niizuma (Shôta Sometani) bests them in the competition, they vow to be better than him. BOth eventually get serialised at Shonen Jump, taken under the wing of their editor Akira Hattori, though the situation is made complicated by awkward relationship with the chief editor Lily Franky. The two vow to beat their rival Eiji to be the first to get to the top of the ranking list for sales.
The soundtrack was written and performed by Japanese band Sakanaction, including the theme song "Shin Takarajima", which they released as a single four days before the film's release.