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Backing Australia's Ability

Backing Australia's Ability (BAA) was a five-year innovation plan launched by the Howard Government in January 2001.

Previous policies for this group of portfolios under the Howard Government were:

The Science and Innovation Committee (SIC), originally known as the Ministerial Committee to Oversight Implementation of Backing Australia's Ability (MCOIBAA), is a sub-committee of Cabinet established as part of the initiative to oversee the implementation of Backing Australia's Ability. It is composed of:

The initiative set aside AUD 2.9 billion over five years 2001-02 to 2005-06, overseen by a Science and Innovation Ministerial Council, chaired by the Prime Minister and advised by the Chief Scientist.

The objectives were:

On 4 May 2004 the Prime Minister announced a second plan, subtitled "Building our future through science and innovation", which is referred to as "BAA2".

The objectives were:

