Birmingham postcode area | |
Postcode area | B |
Postcode area name | Birmingham |
Post towns | 15 |
Postcode districts | 79 |
Postcode sectors | 268 |
Postcodes (live) | 41,579 |
Postcodes (total) | 59,066 |
Statistics as at February 2012 |
Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google
The B postcode area, also known as the Birmingham postcode area, provides postcodes for the boroughs of Birmingham, Solihull, Sandwell and Walsall and parts of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire in England.
The approximate coverage of the postcode districts:
Before the introduction of postcodes in the 1960s, Birmingham along with other major cities were divided into numbered postal districts. With a few exceptions these were directly incorporated into the outcode (the first part of the postcode).
For example, Great Barr was formerly Birmingham 22 (now B43 and 44) and Smethwick was formerly Smethwick 40 and 41 (now B66 and 67).