The 65xx family of microprocessors, consisting of the MOS Technology 6502 and its derivatives, the WDC 65C02, WDC 65C802 and WDC 65C816, and CSG 65CE02, all handle interrupts in a similar fashion. There are three hardware interrupt signals common to all 65xx processors and one software interrupt, the BRK instruction. The WDC 65C816 adds a fourth hardware interrupt—ABORT, useful for implementing virtual memory architectures—and the COP software interrupt instruction (also present in the 65C802), intended for use in a system with a coprocessor of some type (e.g., a floating point processor).
The hardware interrupt signals are all active low, and are as follows:
The detection of a RESET signal causes the processor to enter a system initialization period of six clock cycles, after which it sets the interrupt request disable flag in the status register and loads the program counter with the values stored at the processor initialization vector ($00FFFC–$00FFFD) before commencing execution. If operating in native mode, the 65C816/65C802 are switched back to emulation mode and stay there until returned to native mode under software control.
The detection of an NMI or IRQ signal, as well as the execution of a BRK instruction, will cause the same overall sequence of events, which are, in order:
The behavior of the 65C816 when ABORT is asserted differs in some respects from the above description and is separately discussed below.