In probability theory, the Azuma–Hoeffding inequality (named after Kazuoki Azuma and Wassily Hoeffding) gives a concentration result for the values of martingales that have bounded differences.
Suppose { Xk : k = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... } is a martingale (or super-martingale) and
almost surely. Then for all positive integers N and all positive reals t,
And symmetrically (when Xk is a sub-martingale):
If X is a martingale, using both inequalities above and applying the union bound allows one to obtain a two-sided bound:
Azuma's inequality applied to the Doob martingale gives the method of bounded differences (MOBD) which is common in the analysis of randomized algorithms.
Let Fi be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random coin flips (i.e., let Fi be equally likely to be −1 or 1 independent of the other values of Fi). Defining yields a martingale with |Xk − Xk−1| ≤ 1, allowing us to apply Azuma's inequality. Specifically, we get