The Good Neighborhood and Understanding Award (Hungarian Jó szomszédság és megértés-díj, Slovak Cena za dobré susedstvo a porozumenie) is an award, which was established by Hungarian foreign minister Kinga Göncz and Slovak foreign minister Ján Kubiš on 15 December 2008. It is given for those Slovak and/or Hungarian individuals or organizations, who work the most for the co-operation of the two nations. The aim of the award is to deepen the good relationship of the two countries. It awards also a cash prize of €2,000 and a certification. The award is given in Budapest and Bratislava by turns. This award is important in those days, when there is a crisis between Slovakia and Hungary (see 2006 Slovak-Hungarian diplomatic affairs or 2009 ban of Hungarian President from Slovakia).
According to the paper, which was written by the Ministry of Foreign Affair of Hungary, more details about the award are: