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Auzout (crater)

Auzout crater AS15-M-0945.jpg
Apollo 15 image
Coordinates 10°13′N 64°01′E / 10.21°N 64.01°E / 10.21; 64.01Coordinates: 10°13′N 64°01′E / 10.21°N 64.01°E / 10.21; 64.01
Diameter 33 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 327° at sunrise
Eponym Adrien Auzout

Auzout is a lunar impact crater that is located to the southeast of the Mare Crisium, near the eastern limb of the Moon. Due to foreshortening this crater appears quite oval from Earth, but is actually relatively circular in form. Attached to the southern rim is the smaller crater van Albada. To the east-northeast is the large Condorcet. This crater is not especially notable, although it does possess a central mountain.

This crater is designated 'Azout' in some sources.

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Auzout. Auzout C is to the southeast, Auzout D, E, U and V are to the west, Auzout L is to the southwest and Auzout R is further west-northwest.

The following craters have been renamed by the IAU.

