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Australian Union of Students

The Australian Union of Students (AUS) was formed in December 1970 as the successor to the National Union of Australian University Students (NUAUS) as a representative body and lobby group for Australian University and College of Advanced Education students. It collapsed in 1984 and was succeeded by the National Union of Students in 1987. The NUAUS had been formed in 1937 as a representative body for Australian university students, and changed its name to reflect the addition of colleges of advanced education to the tertiary education system in Australia.

The archives of the Australian Union Of Students are held at the National Library of Australia.

Former Premier of South Australia John Bannon was President of NUAUS in 1968. Laser physicist Frank Duarte was a Macquarie delegate to AUS in 1980.Julia Gillard, the 27th Prime Minister of Australia, was elected President of the Australian Union of Students in 1983, Almost one year after the end of her term, in late 1984 a special National Conference of AUS, chaired by the union's Western Australian State Organiser, wound up the union.

