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Australian Nursing Federation

The "Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation" (ANMF) is now the largest union in Australia with over 249,000 members. The ANMF is run by nurses, midwives and assistants in nursing to advance the industrial, political and professional status of its members. The ANMF was established in 1924 and was previously known as the Australian Nursing Federation. The ANMF is a federated union with strong and active branches in each State and Territory throughout Australia.


All of the federal executive officers of the ANMF are qualified nurses and or midwives and have had years of experience in clinical settings.

Current Leadership

Sally-Anne Jones - President

Maree Burgess - Vice President

Lee Thomas - Federal Secretary

Annie Butler - Assistant Federal Secretary

The ANMF's 249,000+ members are employed in a wide range of enterprises in urban, rural and remote locations in both in the public and private sectors, including hospitals, health and community services, schools, universities, aged care, GP clinics, schools, the armed forces, statutory authorities, local government, offshore territories and industry.

The ANMF advocates for nurses, midwives and assistants in nursing who face challenges on every shift. Right across Australia there is a frustration with the health system, not enough money, underfunded hospitals, not enough nurses, midwives or beds, and not enough time to spend with patients and residents. Safe patient care and decent healthcare for every Australian is a priority for the ANMF.

ANMF Federal Campaigns

Nationally the ANMF runs campaigns for all members throughout Australia, such as Demand Dignity for Older Australians, Employment of Graduate Nurses, and Government budget cuts to paid parental leave, Medicare funding, public hospital funding and proposed reductions to penalty rates.

