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In Hawaiian mythology, an ʻaumakua (/ˈmɑːkə/; often spelled aumakua) is a family god, often a deified ancestor. The Hawaiian plural of ʻaumakua is ʻaumākua ([naːˈʔɐumaːˈkuwə]), although in English the plural is usually ʻaumakuas. Nā ʻaumākua frequently manifested as animals such as sharks or owls. Nā ʻaumākua were worshipped at localities (often rocks) where they were believed to "dwell". The appearance of an animal one regarded as an ʻaumakua was often believed to be an omen (of good or ill). There are also many stories of nā ʻaumākua (in animal form) intervening to save their descendants from harm. It was extremely bad luck to harm a manifested ʻaumakua.

Some families had many ʻaumakua. Mary Kawena Pukui's family had at least fifty known ʻaumakua.

ʻaumākua were thus animals, places or rocks, and people. Ancient Hawaiians would have seen no contradiction in a powerful spirit being able to appear as all three, switching from form to form as convenient—as is indeed seen in many stories of gods and demigods.

A symbiotic relationship exists between person and ʻaumakua, the personal guardians of each individual and their family and the ancient source gods from whom Hawaiians were descended.

ʻAumakua can manifest in nature. The form varies family to family. Whatever its form, the ʻaumakua is one specific shark, owl, etc. However, all members of the species are treated with respect of family members.

