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Augusto Vandor

Augusto Timoteo Vandor (1923 – 1969) was an Argentine trade unionist leader, naval officer and politician.

Vandor was born in Bovril, Entre Ríos Province, to a Dutch father and a French mother, in 1923. He enlisted in the Argentine Navy in 1941, and later became an officer aboard the minesweeper ARA Comodoro Py. He left the Navy in 1947, however, and joined the new Philips factory in the Saavedra section of Buenos Aires. There, he met his future wife, and gained a reputation for strategic thinking that earned him the nickname of El Lobo (the Wolf). He became the steward of the Phillips factory local and in 1954, led a strike for better pay at the facility. Its success made him prominent in the UOM (the steelworkers' union within the CGT, the paramount trade union in Argentina), but led to his arrest following a 1955 military coup that overthrew the populist administration of Juan Perón.

Introduced to the exiled Perón in Santo Domingo in 1958, Vandor cultivated good relations with amenable figures in management and the military, and on the lifting of government receivership over the CGT in 1961, Vandor was elected Secretary General of the UOM, the largest of the CGT's 62 unions. He represented labor as part of the troika of Perón's official delegates in Argentina, and as such helped negotiate potential endorsements ahead of the 1963 elections. As the leading CGT political strategist, he was at least as influential in the Peronist movement as CGT Secretary General José Alonso, and helped plan "Operation Return", a 1964 mission to slip Perón into Argentina.

