The Audians or Anthropomorphites were a sect of Christians in the fourth century in Syria and Scythia, named after their founder Audius (or Audaeus), who took literally the text of Genesis, i, 27, that God created mankind in his own image.
The distinguishing beliefs and practices included both theological anthropomorphism and quartodecimanism.
Audius lived in Syria in the fourth century. His views extended into Scythia. Towards the end of the fourth century the opinion of the Audians appeared among some African Christians.One Syrian village, Jubb'addin continues to bear his name, and it is Aramaic for 'the well of Audius'.
In 325 at the First Council of Nicaea, it was decreed that all Christians should follow the Roman tradition of celebrating Pascha (Easter) at the Easter Sunday, and no longer at the date of 14 Nisan, like the Jewish Passover, as the so-called Quartodecimans were used to do. The Audians, however, continued the Quartodeciman practice.
Epiphanius of Salamis called attention to the Audians (as well as other sects he considered heretical) in his Panarion. Although Epiphanius is not always a trustworthy source, but correctly quotes the viewpoint of the Audians, that the church had "abandoned the fathers' Paschal rite in Constantine's time from deference to the emperor, and changed the day to suit the emperor".
Roman Emperors Constantine I the Great and Theodosius I legislated against the Audians, but the sect was still practicing quartodecimanism in Syrian Antioch in the 380s.
The Church Father Theodoret wrote on this heresy the following, as Chapter IX of his Ecclesiastical History (Book IV), titled "Of the heresy of the Audiani":