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Attempted assassination of Arthur Calwell

Attempted Assassination of Arthur Calwell
Location Mosman Town Hall, Sydney, Australia
Date 21 June 1966
Target Arthur Calwell
Attack type
assassination attempt
Weapons .22 rifle
Non-fatal injuries
Victim Arthur Calwell
Perpetrator Peter Kocan

On 21 June 1966 an assassination attempt was made on Arthur Calwell then leader of the Australian Labour Party. It was arguably the second assassination attempt in Australian political history following Henry James O'Farrell's attempt on the life of Prince Alfred. (Although Percival Brookfield had been killed and Thomas Ley murdered several political opponents.)

Calwell had just finished a rally at Mosman Town Hall and walked to his car. A 19-year-old factory worker Peter Kocan approached with a .22 sawn-off rifle hidden in his overcoat. Calwell wound down his window, Kocan aimed the gun at Calwell's jugular and pulled the trigger. The window deflected the bullet and Calwell only suffered minor injuries. He spent one night in hospital.

Kocan fled after shooting but was soon captured by Wayne Haylen, the student son of Les Haylen.

The police said Kocan told them after his arrest:

Unless I did something out of the ordinary I realized I would remain a nobody all my life. I came to the conclusion that however hard it was I would have to do something that would set me apart from other nobodies. I would not have done anything so cruel as shoot someone if I had any alternative. That's why I shot Mr Calwell. I'm sorry I caused pain to Mr Calwell... I went there with that intention [to shoot him] and when I fired a shot I didn't care if I hit him or not. I just wanted to get it over with... [He decided to shoot Calwell] When I read an advertisement in the paper last Saturday about the meeting... [He cut the rifle down] Because it was too bulky. If I was going to assassinate anyone like Mr Kennedy from a window it would have been all right, but it was too bulky to conceal under any clothing... I stood in the lobby of the town hall. 1 just waited for Mr Calwell to come out, and he came out and talked to various people, and then he went towards his car talking to other people. He got into his car; time was running out. I had the gun in my bell under my coat. I drew the gun, walked up to the window and fired in the general direction of the window. I didn't expect to get away, and I did not intend to run, but when it happened, I decided to run away as a reflex action... I did not intend to shoot Mr Calwell at first. I wanted to assassinate some public figure. I did not agree with Mr Calwell's politics and that made it easier to choose him.

Kocan later reflected, "the shooting logic was in the air at the time", pointing to the assassitions of Ngo Dinh Diem, John F. Kennedy, Hendrik Verwoerd and Malcolm X. "Unfortunately, we are creatures who pick up on what's around," he said. "If it had been a different era, my actions may have been different... Insofar as I had any thoughts about what would happen after the shooting, I assumed I'd be cut down in a hail of bullets."

