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Atomic commit

In the field of computer science, an atomic commit is an operation that applies a set of distinct changes as a single operation. If the changes are applied then the atomic commit is said to have succeeded. If there is a failure before the atomic commit can be completed then all of the changes completed in the atomic commit are reversed. This ensures that the system is always left in a consistent state. The other key property of isolation comes from their nature as atomic operations. Isolation ensures that only one atomic commit is processed at a time. The most common uses of atomic commits are in database systems and version control systems.

The problem with atomic commits is that they require coordination between multiple systems. As computer networks are unreliable services this means no algorithm can coordinate with all systems as proven in the Two Generals Problem. As databases become more and more distributed this coordination will increase the difficulty of making truly atomic commits.

Atomic commits are essential for multi-step updates to data. This can be clearly shown in a simple example of a money transfer between two checking accounts.

This example is complicated by a transaction to check the balance of account Y during a transaction for transferring 100 dollars from account X to Y. To start, first 100 dollars is removed from account X. Second, 100 dollars is added to account Y. If the entire operation is not completed as one atomic commit, then several problems could occur. If the system fails in the middle of the operation, after removing the money from X and before adding into Y, then 100 dollars has just disappeared. Another issue is if the balance of Y is checked before the 100 dollars is added, the wrong balance for Y will be reported.

With atomic commits neither of these cases can happen, in the first case of the system failure, the atomic commit would be rolled back and the money returned to X. In the second case, the request of the balance of Y cannot occur until the atomic commit is fully completed.

Atomic commits in database systems fulfil two of the key properties of ACID,atomicity and consistency. Consistency is only achieved if each change in the atomic commit is consistent.

