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Atmea is a joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Areva that develops, markets, licenses and sells the ATMEA1 reactor, a new generation III+, medium-power pressurized water reactor (PWR). The company is headquartered in Paris.

A memorandum of understanding between the two companies effectively creating the entity was signed 19 October 2006 and the name of the joint venture was announced on 3 September 2007. The European Commission cleared the joint venture in October 2007 on the grounds that the activities of Areva and MHI are geographically complementary and Atmea was unlikely to strengthen the competitiveness of each parent company.

Following financial difficulties at Areva, MHI announced in 2015 it will make a proposal to take a minority ownership stake in Areva. In Jun 2016 Électricité de France, Areva NP's new owner, and MHI signed a memorandum of understanding, which may lead to MHI taking a stake in Areva NP and further joint development of Atmea.

Andreas Goebel is the Atmea Company’s President and CEO. Satoshi Utsumi is the company’s Deputy CEO.

The ATMEA1 reactor is a 1100 MWe generation III+ pressurized water reactor with three coolant loops and a thermal power level of 3,150 MWth. The design has high thermal efficiency (typically 10% higher than currently operating reactors), a 60-year service life and a load-following capability. The reactor can be set to a 12- to 24 month operational cycle.

The ATMEA1 reactor’s systems and components were previously developed by AREVA and MHI for the EPR and APWR, including steam generators with axial economizer and TT690 tubes, advanced accumulators and reactor internals with Heavy Neutron Reflector.

The ATMEA1 safety features include three redundant trains of emergency core cooling systems and a core-melt retention system.

With a power output of 1100 Mwe, the ATMEA1, is targeted to attract new-entry countries looking to develop nuclear power. In comparison, Mitsubishi's APWR is slated to have a power of 1700 MWe while Areva's European Pressurized Reactor currently under construction will have an output of 1600 Mwe.

