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Flavius Astyrius or Asturius (floruit 441-449) was a general and a politician of the Western Roman Empire.

Astyrius was the father-in-law of Merobaudes and belonged to an aristocratic family.

He followed a military career: between 441 and 443 he is attested as dux or magister utriusque militiae. In 441 he was in Tarraconensis (Spain), where he defeated the Bagaudae. In 443 he was succeeded by this son-in-law Merobaudes.

He was appointed consul for the year 449. At the beginning of his office he was in Gaul (probably in the capital city of the praetorian prefecture, Arelate), and Nicetius delivered a panegyric in his honour.

A consular diptych produced by Astyrius in 449 is preserved at Liège. The diptych shows Astyrius seated on a curule chair wearing complete consular regalia and the inscription Flavius Asturius vir clarissimusand inlustriscomes ex magistro ustriusque militiae consul ordinarius.

