Astronomy: Observations and Theories is a documentary television series that aired for one season in from 2005 to 2006. It consists of 20 twenty-eight-minute episodes which are also called lessons and are most often viewed on college-run public television stations.
The series was directed by Peter Berkow, co-produced by Peter Berkow and Kris Koenig, with Laurie Melby and Dan Jones serving as Executive Producers and Steve Chollet as associate producer. The executive production company was Coast Learning Systems [1] and is affiliated with Coastline Community College [2]. The series was developed under the supervision of a National Academic Advisory team representing community colleges and universities all over the United States. Cinematographers include Anita Berkow and Kris Koenig. Film editing by Steve Chollet and Bruce Coykendall, and series writing credits go to Kris Koenig. Original music for Astronomy: Observations and Theories is by Scott Dugdale of WaveGroup Sound.