ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc., (formerly the Associated Locksmiths of America, Inc.) is the world’s largest organization for locksmiths and other physical security professionals. ALOA is dedicated to being the consumer’s first line of defense in physical security by increasing the effectiveness and productivity of locksmiths through educational programs and materials that address broad security interests. ALOA’s mission is dedicated to enhancing the professionalism, education and ethics among locksmiths and those in related sectors of the physical security industry around the world. Representing over 10,000 locksmiths in the United States, Canada and the free world, ALOA is poised to help members obtain the knowledge, strength and confidence to perform their role in the physical security field with pride and dignity. ALOA’s activities include the ALOA Continuing Education (ACE) program, the ALOA Annual Convention and Security Expo and the ALOA Training Center, which is based in Dallas, TX. ALOA leads the way for advanced and improved security performance by providing members and the security community with access to a full range of educational programs and services.
In its Proficiency Registration Program (PRP), ALOA offers five locksmith designations:
ALOA holds frequent PRP exam sessions for experienced locksmiths. ALOA owns the Safe and Vault Technicians Association (SAVTA) and proctors the examinations for its specialty certifications as well which are: