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Asia News Network

[Asian News Network (ANN) new logo launched in March 07, 2005 in the ANN in India, March, 2005. ]] The Asian News Network (ANN) is a network of more then a two Million Electronic as well Print media.

ANN is headquartered at the offices of the Asian News Network in Delhi,India.

John Robinson Born on 7th of March, John Robinson has carved a central name for himself in various avenues. Born and brought up in India, he carries love for his motherland in every breath he takes. His dedication and devotion towards his country can’t go unnoticed. He is a man with variant shades of colours like a rainbow in sky. With every avenue that he launch or be a part of, his main motif is betterment and upliftment of the society and his country at large. He is a dynamic personality with involvement in vivid fields from being religious to social, media to literature, from political to cultural, the list is endless. Being a versatile personality he is Social, religious, media & cultural circle. His rigorous work style and positive approach towards National and International matters has made him a man of great worth.

