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Publication information
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance The Avengers #75 (Apr 1970)
Created by Roy Thomas (writer)
John Buscema (artist)
In-story information
Partnerships Enchantress
Notable aliases Arkon the Imperion, Arkon the Magnificent
Abilities Cunning military strategist
Extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and swordsman
Superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability and reflexes
Accelerated healing factor
Highly skilled with throwing weapons
Possesses three lightning-shaped energy weapons and a shield
Rides on various dinosaur-like mounts

Arkon is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is the warlord and ruler of the extra-dimensional world of Polemachus.

Arkon first appeared in The Avengers #75 (April 1970), and was created by Roy Thomas and John Buscema.

Arkon was born of noble lineage on the extra-dimensional world Polemachus. The people of the Realm of Polemachus developed a culture that glorifies warfare, and Arkon succeeded in becoming the greatest warrior of his people. Appointed Imperion (ruler) of the largest country on Polemachus, Arkon mounted military campaigns against neighboring countries in an effort to conquer the world. His dreams were forgotten when Polemachus was faced with a worldwide catastrophe in that the light-and heat-providing planetary rings were disintegrating. Arkon's scientists determined that atomic explosions occurring on Earth somehow were extra-dimensionally translated to rekindle the energy rings for about a year. Although Polemachus had not developed nuclear weaponry, the scientists predicted that if they were to atomically annihilate the Earth, their world's energy-rings would be restored to power.

Toward this goal, Arkon manipulated the hero known as the Scarlet Witch into reciting a magical spell found in a Polemachian book to enable Arkon to transport himself to Earth. Attracted to the Scarlet Witch and intending to marry her, Arkon kidnapped her as well as a group of atomic scientists. The scientists were forced to construct an atomic device. Before Arkon could detonate it on Earth, however, Scarlet Witch's super team, the Avengers battled Arkon. Iron Man and Thor managed to rekindle Polemachus' energy-rings via a super device devised by Stark, and Arkon ceased hostilities with Earth.

