In mathematics, an arithmetic surface over a Dedekind domain R with fraction field is a geometric object having one conventional dimension, and one other dimension provided by the infinitude of the primes. When R is the ring of integers Z, this intuition depends on the prime ideal spectrum Spec(Z) being seen as analogous to a line. Arithmetic surfaces arise naturally in diophantine geometry, when an algebraic curve defined over K is thought of as having reductions over the fields R/P, where P is a prime ideal of R, for almost all P; and are helpful in specifying what should happen about the process of reducing to R/P when the most naive way fails to make sense.
Such an object can be defined more formally as an R-scheme with a non-singular, connected projective curve for a generic fiber and unions of curves (possibly reducible, singular, non-reduced ) over the appropriate residue field for special fibers.