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Archibald Campbell (bishop)

Archibald Campbell (died 1744) was a clergyman of the Scottish Episcopal Church who served as Bishop of Aberdeen. He was the son of Lord Neill Campbell by his first wife Lady Vere Kerr; his grandfathers were Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll, and William Kerr, 1st Earl of Lothian.

He was a student of the church fathers and the author of a book on the Middle State, in defense of prayer for the dead. He lived in England for many years and was an associate of English nonjurors including George Hickes, Thomas Brett, Thomas Deacon, and Roger Laurence. In the usages controversy he was a defender of the usages and wrote two pamphlets. When Brett engineered a reunion with the non-usager nonjurors in the 1730s, Campbell, Laurence, and Deacon stood apart and constituted the extreme usager party.

