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Apiaguaiki Tumpa

Apiaguaiki Tumpa (c. 1863 – 29 March 1892) was a messianic leader of the Eastern Bolivian Guarani (Chiriguanos) people of Bolivia. He is regarded by many Guarani as a national hero, known for his struggle to defend his peoples' land and liberty from the encroaching Bolivian government, cattle ranchers, and missionaries. He was executed after his defeat and the failure of his revolt. His death is commemorated annually by many Guarani, and a Guaraní language university in the community of Kuruyuki, Bolivia is named after him.

Apiaguaiki was probably born in 1863 in the community of Yohay, a few miles northeast of Boyuibe in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia. His mother was a servant for one of the large Creole (white or mixed blood Bolivians) cattle ranchers in the region. The identify of his father is unknown. His birth name was Chapiaguasu.

When Chapiaguasa was about 10 years old he apparently fled with his mother from the ranch and took up residence among a group of traditional Guarani, more commonly called "Chiriguanos" at that time, in a community called Murukuyati. He was probably present when Creoles killed a large number of Guarani in November 1877, including his mother, in the massacre of Murukuyati. Subsequently, Chapiaguasa acquired the rudiments of Christianity at the Franciscan mission of Santa Rosa, near the town of Cuevo, served as a messenger for Chiriquano leaders, and became a shaman. He acquired a reputation as a healer. In 1891, he became the leader of the community of Ivo, titled himself Apiaguaiki, the "eunuch of God." and was selected by the Chiriguanos in Ivo to be "Tumpa" - a prophet or holy man. Thus, he became a rival of the Franciscan missionaries in the nearby Santa Rosa mission who claimed a monopoly of the healing arts and spiritual matters.

For 400 years, the Chiriguanos had resisted the encroachment on their lands and culture by the Inca Empire, the Spanish Empire, and the independent country of Bolivia. However, from the 1860s onward the pressure on them from Creole ranchers and settlers and Franciscan missionaries increased. Many Chiriguanos became Christians and Creole ranchers took over many of their traditional lands. They were defeated in the Huacaya War of 1874-1877.

