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Aonghas MacAoidh

Aonghas MacAoidh was a Scottish Gaelic poet who lived in Providence, Rhode Island. He wrote several poems and letters to the editor for Mac-Talla, a Scottish Gaelic newspaper, during the 1890s. He was an ardent supporter of his native language and criticized those who objected to secular songs and writings on religious grounds: "Thàinig tonn sgriosail air a' Ghàidhlig le fuar-chràbhadh mòran nas mò na le fìor-chràbhadh. Tha cuid am barail gur peacadh a bhith leughadh nan òran a chithear anns a' Mhac-Talla" ("Gaelic has suffered a devastating blow, more by hypocrisy than by true-devotion. Some people think that it is a sin to be reading the songs that appear in Mac-Talla"). He also connected the conquest of American Indians with the centuries of persecution that the Gaels had suffered in Scotland.

