In rhetoric, antanaclasis (/æntəˈnækləsᵻs/ ant-ə-NAK-lə-sis or /ˌæntænəˈklæsᵻs/ ANT-an-ə-KLAS-iss; from the Greek: ἀντανάκλασις, antanáklasis, meaning "reflection", from anti, "against", ana, "up" and κλάσις klásis "breaking") is the stylistic scheme of repeating a single word or phrase, but with a different meaning. Antanaclasis is a common type of pun, and like other kinds of pun, it is often found in slogans.
"...for many a thousand widows
Shall this his mock mock out of their dear husbands
Mock mothers from their sons, mock castles down..."