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Annoying Man

The following is a list of recurring Saturday Night Live characters and sketches introduced between September 24, 1989, and May 19, 1990, the fifteenth season of SNL.

Mike Myers played Lank Thompson in three different sketches. Thompson was a very handsome man who marketed a line of videos to help men look and act more handsomely. Debuted October 21, 1989.

A Dana Carvey sketch.

A Dana Carvey sketch. Debuted November 11, 1989.

Portrayed by Jon Lovitz, he spoke in a high-pitched nasal voice and did annoying things in front of Weekend Update's Dennis Miller, such as chewing with his mouth open, or scratching a fork across a slate chalkboard. These sketches often ended with Lovitz saying something in a calm, cultured, refined tone, i.e., "You don't have to yell," or "I love you." Debuted November 11, 1989.

A Dana Carvey and Phil Hartman sketch.

Jon Lovitz plays a Jewish variation of Santa Claus. Debuted December 16, 1989.

Christopher Walken plays a self-imagined ladies' man. Debuted January 20, 1990.

A Mike Myers sketch that later featured Chris Farley who portrayed a character known as "Drinking Buddy," Middle-Aged Man's sidekick. Debuted April 21, 1990.

