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Anjaree (Thai: อัญจารี) is the largest gay and lesbian rights organization in Thailand, with roots as a gender rights organization for women.

Anjaree Group was formed originally in 1986 by a small group of lesbian feminist activists in order to articulate lesbian issues in the women's movement and the society at large. The group operated in an office, producing newsletters, until they launched their official web page. Among their successes include stopping discriminatory policy and practices including the Rajabhat Institute's discriminatory rules on banning transgender people from enrollment at its institute during 1996. They became dormant until 2011. Anjaree organizers were among the first to organize and host an Asian Lesbian Network in 1990, which gained international attention, especially throughout Asia. In 1995 they were awarded the international Philip de Souza award. They are currently the primary group fighting for same sex marriage rights in Thailand.

"Tom" and "dee" are the most common terms of reference for women and men who are involved in same-sex relationships. The term "tom" stems from the English phrase "tomboy" and refers to a masculine female, whereas "dee" derives from the English term "lady" referring to the feminine homosexual female. The term "gay" is extremely popular in Thailand, as well as the term kathoey. Anjaree activists have promoted a gender-neutral identity category known as "ying rak ying", which translates as "women who love women". The gender-neutral category stresses one's sexual choice and sexual rights. One of the notable advantages of ying rak ying has been its transnational LGBTQ discourses and movements that represents broader sexual orientation within the transnational LGBTQ rights community.

