DVDs of the television show Angel were produced by 20th Century Fox and released beginning in 2001. These sets contained not only the episodes, but extra features, such as: audio commentaries by the shows makers, documentary features, blooper reels, shooting scripts and so on.
The Angel DVD sets were released in at least three encoding formats:
Unlike the Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs, the choice of widescreen versus standard screen does not vary by region. In all regions, season one of Angel is presented in the standard format (4:3), and seasons two through five are presented in widescreen (16:9). This matches the way the show itself was broadcast from seasons 3-5, although in the U.S. season 2 was presented as standard format but was changed to widescreen for the DVD. This change did lead to some issues on the season 2 DVD release, such as instances where objects that would have remained outside of the broadcast image on the standard format become apparent, creating evident mistakes (e.g. Angel's usually-invisible reflection being visible in the extremities of a number of shots in the first episode).
Aside from the region encoding (and the packaging), the Region 2 and Region 4 DVDs are identical. However, there are several content differences between the Region 1 DVDs and the Region 2 and 4 DVDs.
The Region 2 and 4 DVDs (except Season 1) include the scenes from previous episodes ("Previously on Angel") at the beginning of each episode; the Region 1 DVDs do not, except in Season 5.
In the Region 2 and 4 releases, episodes with commentaries include two English subtitles: the show itself, and the commentary. The Region 1 releases do not offer subtitles for the commentaries.
The Region 1 DVDs also offer a smaller choice of non-English languages subtitles than the Region 2 and 4 DVDs.
Special features
Special features
Special features