Andrew Oswald (born 27 November 1953, eldest son of the late Professor Ian Oswald) was until recently the Acting Research Director at the IZA Institute in Bonn and is a Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, UK. He is an ISI Highly Cited Researcher and has been a Professorial Fellow of the ESRC. He is currently a member of the board of editors of Science. He held previous posts at Oxford, the London School of Economics, Princeton, Dartmouth and Harvard.
Andrew Oswald lists his research areas as Applied Economics and Quantitative Social Science. He has done theoretical and empirical work. His main research recently has been on the economic and social determinants of happiness and mental health.
His first journal article on the economics of happiness was published in 1994 in The Economic Journal (on unhappiness and unemployment, jointly written with Andrew E Clark). Some see this as the beginning of the new and now large modern literature by economists on well-being; the early seminal work, in the 1970s, which was ignored by economists for two decades, was by Richard Easterlin (1974) and by Bernard M.S. Van Praag (1971) and his Leyden school. Andrew Oswald has published papers in scholarly journals across the fields of economics, social science, statistics, psychology, and epidemiology.