Ana Santos Aramburo (born 1957, Zaragoza) is the director of the National Library of Spain, effective February 2013.
Santos received a degree in geography and history from the University of Zaragoza, and a diploma in Librarianship and Documentation from the Centre of Documentary Studies from the Ministry of Culture. Her thesis was “Artistic Documentation in the Archive of Notarial Protocols of Saragossa in the 17th century”. In 1982, she began working in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, where she developed a good part of her professional career. Between 1987 and 1991, she worked at the library of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, where she served as Deputy director. Between 1993 and 2001, she served as Vice-director of the Library of the Universidad Complutense, having responsibility for computerization and new services to access scientific information through the network. Between October 2003 and March 2007, she was the Director of the Historical Library Marquis of Valdecilla, which is the depository of the bibliographic heritage of the Universidad Complutense. She also served as General Director of Libraries and Archives of the City council of Madrid, and Director of Cultural Action of the National Library (2003-2007).
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport nominated Santos to succeed Glòria Pérez-Salmerón as the head of the National Library of Spain. After the nomination, Santos was involved in the set up of the digital legal deposit.
In April 2014, she worked on the approval fora resolution that would regulate the granting of ''librarian emérito'' to those professionals who stood out in their services to the institution. In July 2014, she was involved in regulatory law of the National Library of Spain, which would endow to the library a greater autonomy, as well as a similar status to the Museum del Prado and the National Museum Arts centre Queen Sofia.