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  Sura 114 of the Quran  [[|]]

Arabic text · English translation

Classification Meccan
Other names The Men, People
Position Juzʼ 30
No. of verses 6
No. of words 20
No. of letters 80

Arabic text · English translation

Sūrat An-Nās (Arabic: سورة الناس‎‎, "Mankind") is the 114th and last sura, or chapter, of the Qur'an, the Muslim holy book. It is a short six-verse invocation, asking Allah for protection from the Shaitan. There is a Sunnah tradition of reading this Sura over the sick or before sleeping.

It takes its name from the word "people" or "mankind" (al-nās) which recurs throughout the Surah. Together with Sura Al-Falaq it is also known as Al-Mu'awwidhatayn; dealing with roughly the same theme, they form a natural pair.

It is a Makki surah. Which means, revealed in Makkah, instead of Medina.

The surah opens with the mention of God as the Lord of mankind and teaches one to seek refuge in Him from the whisperings of Satan and those of evil jinn and people. This is another surah commonly used as an invocation against evil paired with surah Falaq.

Here instead of saying A'udhu-billahi (I seek Allah's refuge), a prayer has been taught to seek Allah's refuge by reference to His three attributes: first, that He is Rabb-un nas, i.e. Sustainer, second, Malik in nas Providence and Master of all mankind; and third, that He is Ilah-un-nas, i.e. real Deity of all mankind, (Here, one should clearly understand that the word ilah has been used in two meanings in the Quran: first for the thing or person who is practically being worshiped although it or he is not entitled to worship; second, for Him Who is entitled to worship, Who is in fact the Deity whether the people worship Him or not, wherever this word is used for Allah; it has been used in the second meaning). Seeking refuge by means of these three attributes means: "I seek refuge with that God, Who being the Sustainer, King and Deity of men, has full power over them, can fully protect them and can really save them from the evil, to save myself and others from which I am seeking His refuge. Not only this: since He alone is Sustainer, King and Deity, therefore, there is no one beside Him with Whom I may seek refuge and he may give real refuge."

