˘ ˘ | pyrrhus, dibrach |
˘ ¯ | iamb |
¯ ˘ | trochee, choree |
¯ ¯ | spondee |
˘ ˘ ˘ | tribrach |
¯ ˘ ˘ | dactyl |
˘ ¯ ˘ | amphibrach |
˘ ˘ ¯ | anapaest, antidactylus |
˘ ¯ ¯ | bacchius |
¯ ¯ ˘ | antibacchius |
¯ ˘ ¯ | cretic, amphimacer |
¯ ¯ ¯ | molossus |
An amphibrach /ˈæmfibræk/ is a metrical foot used in Latin and Greek prosody. It consists of a long syllable between two short syllables. The word comes from the Greek ἀμφίβραχυς, amphíbrakhys, "short on both sides".
In English accentual-syllabic poetry, an amphibrach is a stressed syllable surrounded by two unstressed syllables. It is rarely used as the overall meter of a poem, usually appearing only in a small amount of humorous poetry, children's poetry, and experimental poems. The individual amphibrachic foot often appears as a variant within, for instance, anapaestic meter.
It is the main foot used in the construction of the limerick, as in "There once was / a girl from / Nantucket." It was also used by the Victorians for narrative poetry, e.g. Samuel Woodworth's "The Old Oaken Bucket" beginning "How dear to / my heart are / the scenes of / my childhood." W.H. Auden's "Oh Where Are You Going" is a more recent and slightly less metrically-regular example. The amphibrach is also often used in ballads and light verse, such as the hypermetrical lines of Sir John Betjeman's "Meditation on the A30".
Amphibrachs are a staple meter of Russian poetry. A common variation in an amphibrachic line, in both Russian and English, is to end the line with an iamb, as Thomas Hardy does in "The Ruined Maid": "Oh did n't / you know I'd / been ru in'd / said she".
Some books by Dr. Seuss contain many lines written in amphibrachs, such as these from If I Ran the Circus: