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Amitosis ( + mitosis) is cell proliferation that does not occur by mitosis, the mechanism usually identified as essential for cell division in eukaryotes. The polyploid macronucleus found in Ciliates divides amitotically. While normal mitosis results in a precise division of parental alleles amitosis results in a random distribution of parental alleles. Ploidy levels of >1000 in some species means both parental alleles can be maintained over many generations, while species with fewer numbers of each chromosome will tend to become homozygous for one or the other parental allele through a process known as phenotypic or allelic assortment.

It does not involve maximal condensation of chromatin into chromosomes, observable by light microscopy as they line up in pairs along the metaphase plate. It does not involve these paired structures being pulled in opposite directions by a mitotic spindle to form daughter cells. Rather, it effects nuclear proliferation without the involvement of chromosomes, unsettling for cell biologists who have come to rely on the mitotic figure as reassurance that chromatin is being equally distributed into daughter cells. The phenomenon of amitosis, even though it is an accepted as occurring in ciliates, continues to meet with skepticism about its role in mammalian cell proliferation, perhaps because it lacks the reassuring iconography of mitosis. Of course the relatively recent discovery of copy number variations (CNV's) in mammalian cells within an organ, significantly challenges the age-old assumption that every cell in an organism must inherit an exact copy of the parental genome to be functional. Rather than CNV's resulting from mitosis gone awry, some of this variation may arise from amitosis, and may be both desirable and necessary. Furthermore, it is well to remember that ciliates possess a mechanism for adjusting copy numbers of individual genes during amitosis of the macronucleus.(Prescott, 1994)

Despite the passage of more than a century since its description by Walther Flemming (more celebrated for describing mitosis) and others (Child, 1907; Macklin, 1914) the process has not received much attention. Using "mitosis in mammalian cells" as a search term in the Medline data-base calls up more than 10,000 studies dealing with mitosis, whereas "amitosis in mammalian cells" retrieves the titles of fewer than 50 papers. Not surprisingly, this absence of data has led many scientists to conclude that amitosis does not exist, or is minimally important-if any means of proliferation can be deemed "minimally important" while the war on cancer is not yet won.

