The American Society for Neurochemistry (ASN) is a professional society for neurochemists and neuroscientists from North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean, whose research concerns the role and interactions of small molecules (proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, lipids, sugars) in the development, growth, function, and pathology of the nervous system.
The ASN was incorporated August 5, 1969, and is guided by a set of bylaws and standing rules that incorporate amendments to the bylaws. The first president was Donald B. Tower, Jordi Folch Pi was the second president. The current president (2013–2015) is Etty Benveniste (University of Alabama at Birmingham) and the current president elect is Babette Fuss (Richmond, Virginia). Elections are held ever 2 years to elect the next president, treasurer, secretary, and council members.
The officers and council members are assisted by a number of standing committees. An informal history of the ASN has been put together by Claude Baxter.
Annual meetings include plenary lectures, symposia, colloquia and workshops over the course of 4 days. The first such meeting was held March 16–18, 1970 in Albuquerque, NM.
Every 6 years, the ASN helps organize a joint meeting with the International Society for Neurochemistry.
The ASN publishes the textbook Basic Neurochemistry for use by undergraduate, graduate, and post graduate students and instructors. The founding editor was George Siegel, and the current chief editor is Scott Brady. It is currently in its 8th edition, which was published in December 2011.
The ASN launched an open access online journal, ASN Neuro, at the 40th annual meeting which took place in March 2009. It was initially published by Portland Press, and taken over by Sage Publications in 2014. ASN Neuro furthers the ASN missions to advance, promote, support, encourage and facilitate communication among cellular and molecular neuroscientists.