American Rights at Work (ARAW) is a U.S. self-described nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that advocates for workers and their right to form unions without interference.
ARAW is a labor policy and advocacy organization dedicated to educating the American public about the many barriers that workers face when they attempt to exercise their rights to organize and engage in collective bargaining. The organization conducts research into United States labor law and the National Labor Relations Board as they relate to unions, employer actions in union organizing, and collective bargaining campaign..
ARAW receives funding from unions affiliated with both the AFL-CIO and the Change to Win coalition, but its board of directors and day-to-day activities are not controlled by either labor group.
The organization’s stated aims are to investigate workers' rights abuses and promote public policy that the ARAW claims will protect workers from allegedly hostile employers and weak labor laws.
The chair of the organization's board, David Bonior, took a leave of absence in December 2006 to chair the presidential election campaign of former U.S. Senator John Edwards. Other board members include Julian Bond and Bradley Whitford.
The executive director of ARAW is Kimberly Freeman Brown. The founding executive director was Mary Beth Maxwell.