The American Academy of Diplomacy is a private, non-profit, non-partisan, elected organization whose active membership is limited to men and women who have held positions of high responsibility in crafting and implementing American foreign policy. They have served the United States as chiefs of mission in major embassies abroad, and/or equivalent high-level foreign policy positions in Washington.
Founded in 1983, the Academy focuses the expertise of its members on the pursuit of excellence in the practice of American diplomacy.
In its early years, the Academy provided the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee with commentary on the qualifications of those nominated by the President as ambassadors, but today it only does so in exceptional circumstances, such as if the Board of Directors feels strongly about a nominee's lack of qualifications to be ambassador.
The academy is financially supported by its members, and by grants from foundations and corporate contributors.
Thomas R. Pickering, Chairman
Marc Grossman, Vice-Chairman
Ronald E. Neumann, President
Nicholas A. Veliotes, Treasurer
Molly Williamson, Secretary
Robert Beecroft, Thomas D. Boyatt, Kenneth Brill, Kate Canavan, Lorne Craner, Ruth A. Davis, Paula Dobriansky, Shaun Donnelly, Charles Ford, Nancy Ely-Raphel, Alonzo Fulgham, Jim Gadsden, Robert Gallucci, William Harrop, Robert Kimmitt, Langhorne A. Motley, Tibor P. Nagy, Steve Pifer, Nancy Powell, Arlene Render, Charles Ries, Peter F. Romero, Edward M. Rowell, Janet Sanderson, Patrick Theros, Frank Wisner, John Wolf.