Alula Pankhurst is a social development consultant whose main focus has been on Ethiopia and Ethiopian studies. He has worked for many years in Ethiopia in a variety of positions including as associate professor of anthropology at Addis Ababa University and as country director for Young Lives.
Pankhurst is a graduate of Oxford University and has an MA (1986) and PhD (1989) in Social Anthropology from the Manchester University. His links to Ethiopia are deep, his grandmother Sylvia Pankhurst having been a champion of Ethiopia during World War II and his father Richard Pankhurst having lived and worked long in Ethiopia for decades. Pankhurst's first name is in honor of Ras Alula, a famous Ethiopian leader. Pankhurst has led a variety of studies and projects on behalf of such groups as the World Bank, IrishAid, Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, and .
Pankhurst has published a number of academic and professional books and articles. The topics of his writings have included traditional peacemaking and reconciliation, issues of internal migration and resettlement, poverty, AIDS, funeral associations, access to natural resources.