Alliance for a New Humanity is an international network of people from all walks of life who want to see positive change take place in the world. It launched in Puerto Rico on December 11–14, 2003 with keynote speaker, Al Gore, former Vice-President of the United States.
Its purpose is to connect sensitive individuals into a global human network to lead to the creation of a critical mass that influences national and international policy towards a more compassionate humanity.
It came to light spontaneously, when individuals from all walks of life, concerned about the dehumanizing trends that prevail in the world, got together to assess the deterioration of human values. They concluded that this was caused by the accelerating economic and social inequalities, terrorism and wars, social violence, ecological degradation and a generalized spread of social fear, individual frustration and lack of respect for life.
They also concluded that the result of such social conditions has created an indifference to the other, reinforced by the materialistic models adopted as organizing principles of society with their emphasis on selfishness, competition, accumulation, and separateness.
There are currently about 600 members of the organization.
Founding members believe that many people in the world perceive the need for more positive thinking, for a more compassionate society and for a less poignant media envelope. Founding members include: